Sunday, November 13, 2011

Portrait Series

So here it is, the final series. My first time using lights and shooting indoors, ever! I really had an awesome time doing these pictures, and I hope you guys enjoy!


  1. All i got to say is wow. THis is very creative. Great job!!!

  2. So, you DID decide to go for b&w then. These are working nicely. There's a slightly different idea coming across when you present us with only one model with different words written on her than with multiple models as you had planned in your proposal, but it working for new reasons. Good job.

  3. Nathan: Thank you! I really appreciate it!
    Jason: Yes, I had to go with a different idea, because I couldn't get enough people talked into doing the original idea. But, yes, I am happy with the choice to go with black and white. Once I starting messing with the levels more, like you suggested, I started liking them more. Thank you!

  4. These are very interesting, creative and well done. Great job!
