The camera has done an excellent job of shaping photography as we know it today. Based on different models, you can virtually do anything you want, of course, depending on your budget and how well you experiment and get to know your camera. I feel that without the camera, photography today would be non existent, so therefore through this assignment I planned to follow history in the steps of some of the great artists who have come before me.
I myself have always been fascinated with older model cameras, I think they themselves are very interesting and it is always interesting to see where something started and to where things are now. The main influence I had was particularily women photographers taking self portraits of themselves with the particular camera of whatever the era may be that they were in at that time. Particularily photographers like: Diane Arbus, Ilse Bing, Sue Ford, and the highly recognized Cindy Sherman.
For this assignment, I wanted to capture cameras of different eras and show how different the ages were. Unfortunately, it didn't work out the exact way that I had planned, with me being sick and all, but the assignment was quite challlenging for me, which I am happy with because with this being my final assignment, I didn't just want to play it safe. When creating this series, I used the self timer on my camera and a tripod to set up each shot. The actual number of pictures in the series is insignificant, they just happened to be the only ones that I liked.
Cheers and Enjoy!